As   nossas Ilhas  



The island is characterized by beaches facing the Ria Formosa and facing the sea. Refine a campsite and rental cabins, while also renting private houses. There are restaurants still close to the pier, some of them with tradition passed down from generation to generation. Cars do not circulate on the island, only motorized emergency and cleaning...



In 1918, during the First World War, a Naval Aviation Center was built on the island, dedicated to anti-submarine warfare. Although partially built and used, with the end of the war the center was never officially activated, its facilities being used as support infrastructure for a navy firing range installed there. Its largest nucleus is that of...



A Praia do Farol, ou Ilha do Farol como é chamada pelos locais, está realmente situada na Ilha da Culatra no concelho de Faro e, deve o seu nome ao antigo Farol do Cabo de St.ª. Maria, que lá reside. Esta Ilha faz parte das ilhas barreira que protegem o Parque Natural da Ria Formosa, e é um lugar imperdível....

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